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Okay, for some reason everyone thinks this is about time travel. Well, this film really doesn't involve time travel-it involves quantum science and alter realities. It's explained in the ending if you listen to Stevens' speech in the end to Colleen Goodwin, Vera Farmiga. In the story a person's brain can still function after death, and can be recycled if it isn't damaged. Stevens' brain pattern was matched with Sean Fentress' brain pattern and that allowed a link to open. Through computer programs, and advanced science, Stevens was able to go back to the last moment (memory) from Fentress' brain. He is given eight minutes within this moment in time to try and find the bomber. This moment is the only part that might be time travel, but it's more an alternative reality. A parallel world that he is able to access and create changes to find this bomber and save the people aboard this commuter train. So, he see's images of what could happen, but is pulled back into our current world (if he doesn't die) after the eight minutes ends. The place he goes to when pulled out of this parallel world is one that he creates in his own mind. He creates a capsule because that was the easiest way to create an understanding of all this chaos. That's why when he learns that he is dead it changes so rapidly-he was panicing and the capsule changed to fit that panic. In the end after Colleen ends his life supports the moment pauses and then continues past those eight minutes. Stevens begins living in an alter version of our world in Fentress' body. This is a world where Fentress (Stevens) saves the commuter train from the bomber. I hope this explains the plot outline a little better outside of the obvious storyline.
Now, for the film critique. I enjoyed this film for its unique story. This is a great opening for the scriptwriter Ben Ripley, who seems to have a specialty for science fiction. It's also a great science fiction sequel film for director Duncan Jones to get his name cemented in cinematic history. (His previous film Moon was also a surprise twist turner.) Jake did a great job making the story believable and making you really fell for this soldier. The interactions between the characters really opens up the characters to the film audiences. You can see why Stevens falls for Christina Warren, Michelle Monaghan. It is also visible how Colleen, Farmiga, changes her attitudes towards Stevens' by watching Stevens' interactions with Dr. Rutledge, Jeffrey Wright. The effects in this film are used to show the chaos surrounding the main character Stevens, and adds to the chaos and confusion. The best way to tell this story woud be through Stevens' character-which they did, and it was a great choice. This film is a film that has to be watched more than once to really get a grasp of the story. It's only fault is that it left so many people scratching their heads.
I give this film a 10 out of 10 stars! This is a great unique film and is a great story. The acting is really well done, and the bits of action add to the story line. Its not a film for small children, because it does have a few scene's that'll catch you off guard (and make a very sensitive person feel queasy).
Answer to last blog: Amanda Seyfried portrayed the character Karen Smith in the film Mean Girls.
Que: Who is director Duncan Jones the son of?
Alice Cooper
David Bowie
Jon Bon Jovi
Steven Tyler
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