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This film was written by Kate Angelo, most known for television, while she was out on maternity leave. So, that should give you an idea of how honest this film is about pregnancy. The script had an instant pull for producer/director Alan Poul, and actress/singer Jennifer Lopez. This is a great come-back film for Jennifer Lopez, because she had just recently returned to work after having taken some time off to be with her own twin children. It also is a romantic comedy which is was well known for (Maid in Manhattan & The Wedding Planner). She does a great job bringing out the realness of the character in this film, and making you feel for her plight of love. Alex O'Loughlin, is beginning to be a more well known actor for film audience's. He does a great job playing the role of the man who is madly in love with a woman (not a stalker), and a man dealing with the idea of being an expectant father. Michaela Watkins is great in the role of supporting best friend without a filter. She is beautiful, and very open about everything, and everyone, around her. Anthony Anderson does a great job making the playground dad role into a memorable role. He comes in to be the voice of reason for O'Loughlin's character, Stan, but in some ways quickly becomes more entertaining to watch. I was also glade to see Linda Lavin and Tom Bosley showing that you don't have to be young to find love. Nuts, a really odd name I know, was an adorable handicapped dog.
This is pretty obvious in plot design, with an obvious romantic happy ending. There is a lot of realism mentioned in this film when it comes to pregnancy. Since their is a lot of realism-there is a lot of mention of the word vagina in it. That might disturb some audience's if your not prepared for it-other audience's will just find it hilariously funny. So, yes it is for a special audience-new parents. I liked how they presented the New York attitude in this film as more of a side-note. There is also some other emotional problems in this film that the characters are forced to face-apart from just being pregnant. The chemistry worked well together in this film. There are some really weird moments in this film, which is mainly established from the weird persona's in this film, but that's where a lot of the humor comes from.
I give this film a 10 out of 10 stars! The characters are very relatable; even if the situation isn't. It's a film that a group of new mothers can enjoy, or even those women who are hoping to become pregnant soon.
Answer to last blog: The last popular film that Simon Pegg and Nick Frost worked together on was Hot Fuzz.
Que: Who made a special short cameo appearance in the film?
Victoria Stilwell
John Grogan
Jackson Galaxy
Cesar Millan
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