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"No, it wasn't the airplanes... It was Beauty that killed the beast." (Carl Denham)
This is directed by epic director Peter Jackson. He has become known for making epic tales for nerdy audience's that have no become pop culture phenomena's. If you dont' believe then look into the films he going to Produce-Halo (the film) and the prequel to the Lord of the Rings trilogy (yes! Finally!)... However, his take on these tales are amazing to watch. This remake was pretty loyal to original 1933 classic film with some enhancements added in. Kong has more of a personality in this film causing audience's to want to see him survive. The opening of the film-following the lead character Ann Darrow, Naomi Watts-really places the audience's in an era (Depression). The visual effects are amazing in this film, and highlight the classic era visually. The idea is kind of unusual-a giant ape who falls in love with a human woman. However, the modern representation of this tale really entices film goers. Kong looks more like a gorilla in this film. He is also presented as compassionate, and a bit childlike at times. The battles on Skull Island were well developed. Kong fights off several dinosaurs that are trying to make an appetizer of Ann Darrow. In the end Kong shows why he's king of his jungle. The humans trying to fight off giant insects was well done, and believable. It did get kind of humorous when there was a dinosaur dog pile though. The ending sequence's in New York City really make you feel for Kong's struggles. It also shows what greed and fear can do to an innocent creature. At the same time audience's can rejoice in that Jack Driscoll accomplishes his goal of keeping Ann alive, and getting the girl.
Naomi Watts does an amazing job as Ann Darrow. She spends most of the film acting with a green screen, and manages to make Kong a believable character. Her interactions with him were the most crucial for making this story believable, and heartfelt. She also has an amazing scream-which is good because screaming is makes up several of her lines. Adrien Brody performs the role of playwright Jack Driscoll. He's the man who is in love with Ann, and will risk anything to save her. This places him in a conflict with Kong. His stealing her away makes him Kong's arch nemesis. He foes a great job in this role because he doesn't cause audience's to hate Kong, and yet audience's can sympathize with his plight. I was truly surprised to see Jack Black in the role of Carl Denham. He turned out to be a surprisingly good choice for this part. His style of acting fits well with the idea of a neurotic film producer/director. He is the villain without really being a villain. He found a way to make money, and in some way settle his increasing emotion of guilt as people die around him. Kyle Chandler plays the role of actor Bruce Baxter. He is the general action star hero who finds out that he can do more than just act like as a hero.
I give this film a 10 out of 10 stars! It's a great film to watch for young and old audience's.
Answer to last blog: The Mad Hatter's, Johnny Depp's, hair was done to represent the idea of mercury poisoning This was a dilemma that most hatters suffered from around this era.
Que: What famous New York building does King Kong climb, and ultimately meet his downfall?
The Chrysler Building
The Woolworth Building
The Manhattan Municipal Building
The Empire State Building
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