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This is a great Bruce Willis film. If you've been following his previous films then you'll enjoy this one. Director Robert Schwentke has really come into his own as a director over the past couple of years. I haven't read the actual series, but I have heard that this film isn't too loyal to the series. There was a need to add more material to the story, and their humour replaces the serious tone of the comic series. Bruce Willis plays the role of Frank Moses who is a bad-ass agent. He plays his usual role, and does good in his style. Karl Urban plays Frank's counterpart, William Cooper-who is the agent sent to murder Moses. He does a great job creating a character who is believable. Morgan Freeman does perform his general role, but with a slight twist of lime. He is a bad-ass in his own right, but is still very respectable. Mary-Louise Parker plays the role of Sarah Ross. Essentially she is performing her general character type. Highly neurotic, and slightly gullible. John Malkovich plays a very paranoid nut named Marvin Boggs. Brain Cox plays the role of Russian agent Ivan Simanov. He does a great job creating a character that you suspect, but just love to watch. It's quickly seen that he's not a villain, but a companion. Helen Mirren plays the role of Victoria. She's not only an older woman, but she kicks-ass with a gun.
This is a rare film, because even if it's not loyal to the comic series its still a popular film. The humour in this film, and the likability of the characters is apparent. This film is great to watch for older, and younger, audience's alike. The creativity of the film photography is brilliant-showing location through post cards. It has slow-paced action that aids in telling the story better. It's only really fault is that most of the most of the actors are playing the familiars roles that they're known for. The action fits for the age of the actors, and the moderate-pace of the story. So, it doesn't have the fast paced action of most action films, and it doesn't rely on too many special effects. It's humour also isn't side splitting hilarious-its more for a good chuckle.
I give this film a 10 out of 10 stars! It has a great plot, and a great storyline. The actors may perform the roles their known for, but it adds to their performances. The action is slow, but it fits with the film in general.
Answer to last blog:
Que: What other popular film has director Robert Schwentke directed?
The Time Traveler's Wife
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
The Notebook
Dear John
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