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This is a straight forward based off an autobiography 'Between a Rok and a Hard Place' by Aron Ralston. He went mountain climbing in Wayne County, Utah to Blue John Canyon in 2003. While he was climbing down the slot canyon a loose boulder fell forward and collided with his hand. Aron Ralston's hand became caught between the boulder and the canyon wall. He finds himself trapped here for five days with little water and even less food. To make matters worse he is well out of ear shot from any nearby hikers.
The opening and closing segments of the random groups of people threw me off at first. It quickly gains focus on the story shortly afterwards. From what I've read online-the film is pretty close to the truth. The beginning part where he shows the two female hikers-Kristi and Megan (Kate Mara & Amber Tamblyn)-where a hidden pool of water is was altered from the truth, but the rest is very factual. The camera angel's really play with the small limited space of the canyon. The music is slightly random, but it fits well because we're essentially seeing what he see's within his mind. James Franco does a great job portraying this character with heart, and pulling the film audiences into the enveloping chaos surrounding him. Director Danny Boyle did a great job with the all the limits, and challenges that would be faced during filming this story. Essentially it's one actor, and one location to shoot for several hours. I will admit that during the premonition sequence I didn't know it was a premonition. I thought it was his childhood self, but I soon found out I was wrong. Overall this is a really great film, but the ending sequences might become somewhat gruesome to some audiences. Of all the things to use on the China pocket knife he used the tiniest dullest blade to remove his arm-however props for stubbornness and the willingness to survive.
I give this film a 10 out of 10 stars! This film might not be for the faint of heart, but it's got a really heartfelt dramatic story. It's well worth it to view the film at least once.
Answer to last blog: Brandon Routh played the staring lead in Superman Returns. He also co-starred with Sam Huntington which they both appeared again in Dylan Dog: Dead of Night.
Que: Other than Slumdog Millionaire, what other film is director Danny Boyle well known for?
28 Days Later
Spider Man
The Fountain
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