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This film was directed by Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillet. This film again uses handheld cameras to tell its story. This has become a very common theme among supernatural horror related films. But, this found footage is different than other films. It is a compilation of footages that constantly shifts point of views to tell its story. But, there is a strong question of who complied this footage. It also does not start with the usual 'inspired by true events'; which is a nice change. The story itself is so un-original that it feels like re-watching Rosemary's Baby in the style of Paranormal Activity (or perhaps a sequel). But, this film in a way does tweak it a little in that this baby is only one of many 'antichrists' yet to come. This also leaves it very open for sequel films. The story that revolves around its two central characters is good because it is easy to feel sympathy for them. However, these character have become way to familiar for these types of films. The handheld cameras do hurt the film, like with other films, in that the horror is never really seen. It is only ever hinted at. This type of filmmaking can be done well, but it is a major challenge. There is a very bloody ending in this film, but there are no real scares. The few special effects used were great on screen. Zach Gilford played the role of Zach McCall. He was the typical husband caught up in the turmoil. There wasn't much pull for this character. Allison Miller played the role of Samantha McCall. She was good in her role, but there was no real character to her.
I give this film 2 out of 5 stars! There was plenty to build off, and it had gore for the horror fans. However, there was nothing new to it. There also was nothing to the simple story and its characters.
Answer to last blog: Director Adam Wingard, You're Next, directed the film V/H/S.
Que: What film did directors Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyley Gillet work on together?
The MasterSnow White and the Huntsman
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