Caution: This Might Contain Spoilers!
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This is a British-American film based off the Brothers Grimm story entitled "Snow White". Snow White is a young princess who tragically loses her mother. A war is fought against her father, the king, and after a victory he comes across a beautiful maiden that he marries. She murders him and claims his kingdom and imprisons Snow White in a tower. When she comes of age, the evil queen (Ravenna), is told that she could have immortality by taking Snow White's heart. Snow White manages to escape and runs into the Dark Forest. Ravenna hires a Huntsman to go a fetch Snow White in exchange for having his deceased wife returned to him. This sets them on an adventure that will pin them against evil. This film is very different from the happy film of Mirror Mirror, and the animated version of the film Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. I'm still waiting for a retelling of Sleeping Beauty, because I want to see a dragon.
This film was directed by Robert Sanders (first film to direct), and was produced from the producers of Alice in Wonderland. Unfortunately, this film failed to receive the critical appraise that Alice in Wonderland did. Despite this film being based off a children's fairytale, this film is not made for small children. If your child had nightmares watching Alice in Wonderland then they will have nightmares watching this film. Okay, this film has an amazing story that does lack any true romance. There was plenty of possibility for romance, but it failed to bring it forth during the course of the film. The classic ideal of good verses evil was great. The story was great for creating an urgency of an uprising, but failed to present any depth to the characters. The special effects for the film were amazing. The film created a new world full of mysticism and darkness. There was a hint of Snow White's mystical power of creatures. The creatures were well done, but weren't overplayed. What shouldn't have been done was the CGI of placing different actor's faces onto different bodies. It looked unusual. This also created controversy among little people (not too surprising). The fighting sequences were great to watch. The costumes were amazingly well done that gave the film its fairytale look.
Now, this film drives a stake between film goers. Fans of Kristen Stewart will like this film, and see the other actors as going over the top in their acting. Those who aren't will say the Stewart hurt the film. Kristen Stewart played the leading role of Snow White. Granted she had the look of Snow White, she just failed to present any of Snow White's inner emotions appropriately. Charlize Theron played the Evil Queen/Ravenna. She was amazing in this film. She showed the evil anger that the queen needed to have. Chris Hemsworth played the role of the Huntsman. He was great in giving his character depth, and created a new image for the Huntsman. Sam Spruell played the role of Finn, Ravenna's brother. He was great in his role just creating this slimy character. Sam Claflin played the role of William, the Duke's son. He was good, but he didn't make his character stand out in anyway. Ian McShane, Bob Hoskins, Ray Winstone, Nick Frost, Eddie Marsan, Toby Jones, Johnny Harris, and Brian Gleeson played the roles of Beith, Muir, Gort, Nion, Duir, Coll, Quert, and Gus (the Seven/Eight Dwarves). Sadly, the dwarves have become an small part of this film only. Bob Hoskins did a great job in providing the film with a sense of magic and power. The others were given humorous moments, but didn't stand out in any other way.
I give this film 3 out of 3 stars! It had all the potential to create an epic fairytale retelling, but it failed to work with its potential. This film is worth seeing once for the special effects, but thats it.
Answer to last blog: Actress Kathy Bates also starred in the film Fried Green Tomatoes, as well as Midnight in Paris.
Que: Who voiced Snow White in the animated Disney version?
Adriana Caselotti
Lily Collins
Ilene Woods
Mary Costa