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Okay, I started watching the series because Breaking Dawn comes out next month-yay! Now, everyone knows this is based off a novel, but the question is how many poeple have actually read the series? Seriously, in theaters I'm always hearing people acting shocked when they watched the film when really it's almost a clone of the novel. There are some things changed to better fit film time, but it wasn't much. This film's director was an unknown director named Catherine Hardwicke (who is now very popular due to this film). She did a great job in bringing to life the world of Twilight, and filled the film with subtle details that you have to watch more than once to catch. This film became a generation marker as you can tell by the Twi-Hearts who cheer when they see either Edward or Jacob appear on screen. There is some violence in this film, but its not full of the traditional vampire gore that is used in most other films. If your a fan of horror movie vampires then you probably won't like this film. The effects in this film are great except one-vampires sparkle. The gem effect was way too overdone, and made Edward look like he was caught in a glitter explosion. The special effects that made the vampires vampiric (speed, agility, etc.) was well done, and cleverly devised. This film really created the landmark that needed to be created so the film could carry on into sequels, and expand on its universe.
The acting is great in this film. They could've found a better actress to portray Bella Swan, Kristen Stewart. She is good, but she comes off too teenage angst at times. She also always speaks in a constant monotone, so that some of her lines come off as dry. There are some times when she also appears to go over the top. Editing really saved her character a lot, except on one area. There are moments when she is clumsy, and then there are moments (like when she's in climbing through the tree branches-albiet a great romantic scene) when she has perfect balance and grace. Robert Pattinson turned out to be a great choice for Edward Cullen. He does the first job of getting girls to whistle when he comes on screen, but he doesn't act like a vampire from 1918 who is very wise. Apart from not acting the era he does great at showing a the character's internal pain and suffering, and the character's complete obsessed with Bella Swan. His face is full of very subtle facial emotions. Billy Burke, Charlie Swan, is an amazing choice for playing Bella's father. He makes his role really memorable by inserting moments of fatherly personality. Cam Gigandet plays the role of James, the leading villain. He creates a slimy villain who is fun to hate. He has a cool calm to his villainy, and it even shows in his face. (P.S. His eyes are always a solid black.) Rachelle Lefevre, Victoria, doesn't stand out in this film other than she's James girlfriend. Edi Gathegi, Laurent, really pulls over the novel's character persona-the assumed leader with a calm cool head. However, he again doesn't really stand out in this film.
I give this film a 10 out of 10 stars! I really enjoyed the novels and I enjoyed watching the films to. I will admit that there is something unexplainably addicting about this franchise. All the elements were there to make a great film.
Answer to last blog: Actress Evangelina Lily starred in the popular television series Lost.
Que: Who has been the screenplay writer for the entire series of Twilight?
Melissa Rosenberg
Stephenie Meyer
Craig Titley
Ron Clements
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