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This film was directed by George A. Romero-the zombie master! This is a very different outlook on the beginning of the zombie apocalypse outbreak. It also takes a questionable look on the media, on popular culture, and on the human species in general. It's film style is shot from hand held camera's, and video feeds from the internet and the cell phones, and surveillance camera's. This adds a certain style of realism to the horror genre that has grown in popularity. This film style can be annoying to some film goers. This film is definitely filmed for a specific audience-the zombie horror audiences. Since this film is more focused on the human race and popular culture their aren't many zombies. The zombie's are a secondary side note that pushes the characters into uncertain choices.
The acting was good. It propelled the conflicts that mankind would face in their destruction. Michelle Morgan takes the leading narrative role of Debora Moynihan. She will step in with side commentary during random segments of the film. Her character also highly develops through out the story. Morgan is a very convincing actress for this style of film. Joshua Close plays the secondary leading role of Jason Creed. He was the character who initially began the filming project and is the one who carries much of the story (film wise). Todd Schroeder plays the role of Brody. He is the film professor that tags along with the students during this outbreak. He is a voice of reason, and he is also the dark voice. He is an amazing actor in this role.
I give this film a 10 out of 10 stars! It is unique to the zombie genere, and explores many nuances that mankind would possibly face in a zombie apocalypse.
Answer to last blog: Kristen Bell was the leading actress for the remake of Pulse in 2006.
Que: What was George A. Romero's first film?
The Crazies
Night of the Living Dead
Dawn of the Dead
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