Caution: This Might Contain Spoilers!
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This film was directed by Alfonso Cuaron. I did not see this film in 3-D. The story for this film is very simple and is almost non-existent. The story is more of a reminder that disasters can still happen out in space. The film itself does reference several other popular science fiction films. It is made purely as a science fiction survival story. There is enough explained about the two primary characters to create an understanding of them. What drives this film to its success is its impressive visual effects. Viewing the open vastness of space and the distant images of Earth are stunning on screen. It gives the impression of watching a high definition documentary about the orbit of the planet. There is plenty of great visual imagery to further express the characters fears. For the most part the film is scientifically accurate, but there are several exaggerations to further the plot. If you are sensitive to motion then be careful. To give the feel of desperation and reality, the camera is constantly moving. It never remains still for more than a few seconds at a time. Sandra Bullock played the role of Ryan Stone. She really pulled more out of herself for this film. She offered a very vulnerable character. George Clooney played the role of Matt Kowalski. He offered the film its sense of tranquility. Only when he's off screen does the situation feel overwhelmingly bleak.
I give this film 5 out of 5 stars! For its visuals alone it is a great film. There is enough to piece together a story, but not enough to really drive the film.
Answer to last blog: Actor Tony Chiu Wai Leung and director Kar Wai, The Grandmaster, did not work together on the film End of the Road.
Que: What other film did director Alfonso Cuaron direct?
The Indian in the Cupboard
A Little Princess
Apollo 13
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