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This film was directed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. This follows familiar hard hitting arguments like the merits of creativity, finding your individuality, or about following the lego's construction instructions. This film's thoughtful story is full of satires and random comical guises. The laughable gags are good for bringing in both adult and children audiences alike. The film is very fast paced and does not stay in a single place for too long. This film also pokes fun at big corporations even though it is apart of one. This film is also another form of advertisement for the lego company. However, it proves that a film can be an advertisement and still be unique. This film is full of imagination and great stop motion animation. It provides a new face to the recent animated world. So, yes, there will be a sequel. Chris Pratt did the voice of Emmet Brickowoski. He managed to keep his character uninteresting and humorous to watch. Elizabeth Banks did the voice of Wyldstyle/Lucy. She was a great supporting actress to Pratt. Will Ferrell did the voices for of Lord Business/President Business/The Man Upstairs. He created a great villain that was humorous and troublesome.
I give this film 5 out of 5 stars! It is one of those animated films that is so stupid that it is great to watch.
Answer to last blog: Director Paul Greengrass, Captain Philips, directed the film the Bourne Ultimatum.
Que: This film does briefly feature the voice of Jonah Hill. In what other did directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller also work with Jonah Hill?
The Watch
The Sitter
21 Jumpstreet
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