Saturday, December 7, 2013


Caution: This Might Contain Spoilers!
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This film is an biopic film based on the life of Steve Jobs. It follows Jobs from his ascension from being a college drop out to a revered 20th century entrepreneur. 

This film was directed by Joshua Michael Stern. This film follows the general biographical archetype of someone rising to success, failing, and then rediscovering that success. This film doesn't glorify his personality or his life story. It does however, keep an accurate portrayal of Jobs. There are no deeper meanings in this story other than to never be afraid to stand out. It is unfortunate that the film doesn't play a little more off emotional detail that could explain how Jobs changed. There also is very little explanation as to the other people in Jobs' life and why they were important. Fans of Jobs' achievements, and those curious about his life, will find this a unique look into his life. Ashton Kutcher played the role of Steve Jobs. He was great in his role. He created the image of Jobs even if it wasn't wholly positive. 

I give this film 4 out of 5 stars! The lack of connection to the film makes it a downfall. It is great for an overlook into Jobs' life and a look into his innovation.

Answer to last blog: Actress Brittany Snow, Pitch Perfect, starred in the film John Tucker Must Die.

Que: What other film has director Joshua Michael Stern directed?

In Bruges
Swing Vote

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