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This film was directed by Marcus Dunstan-the director of the original. This film continues where its predecessor left off. Unfortunately being a sequel means that this film has lost its originality appeal. This films story is similar to the original but with enough variations to offer a new perspective on the killer. The story keeps the large amounts of gore and bodily dismemberment, but it lacks the full suspense of the first. The gore lies mostly in the use of blood, but there are no slow torturous deaths like the first film. The traps remain as brutal as ever. The story was simple but effective. It hinted at what happens to the one he captures. Sometimes, it did fell slightly over the top, but it was somewhat fitting for this villain character. This continues to be the start of a probable B horror franchise depending on if the villain can make a great comeback.
The cast worked good together. Josh Stewart returned to his role of Arkin. It was good to see a familiar face returning in the series. He was good in his returning role keeping the innovation of his former self. His character took several unexpected turns. Emma Fitzpatrick played the role of Elena. She was good in her role. She was an intelligent female character capable of fighting The Collector. Lee Tergesen played the role of Lucello. He was good in his role. He was able to create a new heroic face. Randall Archer played the role of the Collector. A new actor was brought in to create the villain. He was good in the role, but lacked the presence of a sick demeanor of the original. Shannon Kane played the role of Paz. She was good in her small role.
I give this film 4 stars out of 5 stars. It's a good gory horror film. However, it lacks the intense suspense and sickening atmosphere of the original.
Answer to last blog: Director Joseph Kosinski, Oblivion, also directed the film Tron: Legacy.
Question: What 2010 film did actress Emma Fitzpatrick star in?
The Wolfman
The Social Network
Black Swan
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
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