Caution: This Might Contain Spoilers! This Also Contains Adult Content!
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This film was directed by David Fincher... well he directed the actor's. Much of this film is alike to the Swedish film in 2009. There are subtle difference's between the two, but this film used the Swedish film as their primary source, and the novel as their second source. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it does make audience's-who've followed this series from book to the two films-think. Anyway, this film on its own is good, and it is very true to the novel by Larsson, and the idea behind it. Now, this film is dark and sinister, and if you take true pleasure in watching this film then your a pure sadist. This film openly presents audience's with dark ideals and concepts that allow audience's to rate how sadistic they are by seeing how they respond to the film's graphic scene's. That being said this film features a lot of scene's of rape, and speaks often of violent murder, so please don't take your children to this. The cinematogrophery is essentially the same the Swedish film, which is good. The opening credit sequence was awesome, and featured moments of Lisbeth and Mikael in a loud violent way. However, it was so random, and it ruined the feel of the film in its entirety. I did enjoy the awesome rock song though. If you've followed the story from the beginning its easy to pick up on all the small details, and the fast pacedness of the film. However, just coming into the film it might take a while to fully pick up on everything that happened in the film.
This film, unlike the Swedish films, presents these characters with much more depth. This humanized the character much more, and it opened them up to audiences. For fans of the story and the films, it is impossible not to compare Daniel Craig with Michael Nyqivst, and Noomi Rapace with Rooney Mara. Each of them brought out different aspects of the characters in different ways. Daniel Craig is phenomenal in the role of Mikael Blomkvist. He brings out the respect and innocence of his character in a way that keeps audience's enthralled by his character. Rooney Mara is great in her role as Lisbeth Salander. She brings out that victim/fighter side of the character, as well as her dislike of society. It is a downfall that she mumbles a lot during the film, so it can be hard to understand what she's saying. It's also her interactions with Mikael that make her character stand out so much better in this version. Christopher Plummer plays the role of Henrik Vanger, the man who leads Mikael into this mystery. He's great in this role creating the character who has this strange gentle allure to him, and he brings out the character's honesty. Yorick Van Wageningen, Nils Bjjurman, is great being the character that you want to see suffer. Stellan Skarsgard, Martin Vanger, was great in this role. He, like Daniel Craig, played a very different role than what they had previously performed.
I give this film a 5 out of 5 stars! It's very dark, and definitely not for children, but it has a great story. It fully accomplishes in delivering the message that the author wanted to deliver.
Answer to last blog: Direct Chris Gorak was the Art Director for the film Fight Club in 1999.
Que: What is the age difference between the two actress', Rooney Mara and Noomi Rapage?
1 year
15 years
6 years
10 years
I give this film a 5 out of 5 stars! It's very dark, and definitely not for children, but it has a great story. It fully accomplishes in delivering the message that the author wanted to deliver.

Que: What is the age difference between the two actress', Rooney Mara and Noomi Rapage?
1 year
15 years
6 years
10 years
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