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This film was directed by Wolfgang Peterson who is no amateur at directing action films. This film does kind of just throw you into the heat of things. Since most of this story is told through combat, there isn't enough time taken to give a full back story of the characters. Since the story is told through combat there is a lot to be taken in the first time viewing it. The story being told through combat is a unique way to tell an epic story for one of the most expensively made films of its generation. The combat explains the characters in a unique way which works for the film. Much of the story is taken away from the classic Greek cliche of Gods/Goddesses and instead turns to telling the story of the hero's and the kings involved. It also toys with the idea of hero's versus kings and their purposes for combat. At the same time it plays off the hazards of love. I haven't read the Illiad, so I can not say how truthful it was. But I have heard arguments that it wasn't very truthful to the story. The action scene's were great to watch. They pulled out the characterization in a very general way, but gave the film its masculine quality. The armies were computer generated, but for its time period wasn't badly done.
The characters were cliched in being the typical action stars with their quirks. The only way this film is a chick flick is that you see Brad Pitt naked for much of the film (*wink*). Brad Pitt plays the role of Achilles. He carries much of the film, and is kind of the leading character. He is experienced in battle, but has grown to resent it, and later learns how peaceful love is. Once you stop staring at his rock hard stomach you can see his amazing acting. He really brings out the character's pain and impulses. Eric Bana played the opposing role of Hector for this film. He was a great opposing actor for Pitt. His character kept a cool demeanor through the film, but did express fear and loss through his subtleties. Orlando Bloom, famous for acting in period pieces, played the role of Paris. He portrayed Paris as a highly naive youth who made thousands of mistakes. He was a surprisingly great actor for this role-which has since changed in modern films. Diane Kruger, Helen, was good but didn't really stand out in her role. She was the pretty face that got Troy into turmoil. Rose Byrne, Briseis, was good in her role. As a female character she over shinned Helen with her acting and character. She still doesn't stand out among the male actors as much. Brian Cox played the villainous role of Agamemnon. He was great at making audience's despise his character.
I give this film a 9 out of 10 stars! It's great to watch for the nudity and action sequences. But the story just goes too fast, and there isn't appropriate emphasis on love that causes the characters suffering. It's turned into a side note instead. The effects were great for this film.
Answer to last blog: Actor Walter Matthau was the leading male actor the the 1969 film Cactus Flower.
Que: What other time period film has Orlando Bloom Starred in?
Kingdom of Heaven
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