Okay, I'm probably going to get killed for this, but I did say I was going to review every movie-past and present. So, since I'm going through a quick Halloween marathon-I might as well give a quick review.

Halloween was a great horror film made in 1978. It presented a new type of horror movie villain that jump started a series of slasher films. There is something to be said when a film can still make modern horror movie fans jump. It's catchy music, and remaining fear of the invincible monster made it a cult classic. However, the two leads made the horror convincing, but the other actor were decent. Some of the murder scene's do come out kind of comical. The plot, and script, are pretty straight forward and simple. Also, this is a horror film-that means no children should be watching it!
I give this film a 8 out of 10 stars.

Halloween II is a direct continuation of the first. It begins with the ending of the first-this became a common feature for early slasher films that has now disappeared. This doesn't carry same terrifying fear mainly because the fear of the ominous monster is gone. The murder scene's aren't as comedic, but get kind of cheesy. There is one great murder that stands out in its creativity. The acting from Jamie Lee Curtis and Donald Pleasence is great, but the other main actors get kind of cheesy. Since this is a horror film, please refrain from watching it in the presence of children!
I give this film a 7 out of 10 stars.
As a new feature, I am starting a poll system. I will post a question and let all of you comment in the correct answer. (See, if you know it from memory.) In my next blog post I will write in the correct answers. Since I reviewed two films I'll post two questions. Good luck.
Who is Jamie Lee Curtis' mother?
Janet Leigh
Bette Davis
Lila Crane
Joan Crawford
What was the first name given to the villain in the Halloween films?
Michael Myers
Jason Voorhees
The Shape
The Shadow
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