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This film was directed by Peter Askin. This is not the greatest Stephen King adaptation to be brought to life. It is full of the 'good family' cliches, especially in the beginning. The story itself creates an interesting portrait of a serial killer; he's a man who really does love his family and his wife, is an outstanding employee, but just kills people on the side. In some ways, the story is meant to make you question who the murderer actually is. Since the killer remains so ordinary, and there isn't enough built tension, there is no real thriller aspect within the film. The plot has a great basis, but its execution falls flat. Through time there are very small hints of what is happening within the character's mind. Without viewing the entire picture of the mental distress it is hard to fully comprehend the main character's ending motives. Which sadly makes the ending feel very random and conflicting. There is also a sick detective, who feels like he should be important, but is just pointless. Joan Allen played the role of Darcy Anderson. She was good in the role, but the story failed to complete her character's depth. Anthony LaPaglia played the role of Bob Anderson/Beadie. He was good at playing the typical all good father, but it was difficult to see that hidden killer within him.
I give this film 2 out of 5 stars! There is a great base plan for a fantastic film, but its execution plummets it success.
This film is available through Instant Stream on Netflix.
Answer to last blog: Actor Russell Crow was originally intended to play the role of Robert McCall in the film The Equalizer.
Que: A Good Marriage novella is part of a collection of stories entitled 'Full Dark, No Stars'. What other film was inspired from the collection?
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