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This film was directed by Robert Stormberg. Interesting enough, this is Stormberg's directorial debut. This film takes a familiar fairytale story and changes it. Maleficent is no longer the epitome of evil. Instead she becomes a dark hero with a very unfortunate past. I think this story was established to play to a recent audience's adoration of the darker characters. That being said, the remainder of the story lacks the great emotional depth that it needed. The film is saved by its use of unexpected comedy and it leading actress (Angelina Jolie). Many of the other characters are not given much opportunity to expand or show their importance. Sadly, that also includes the use of three good fairies. They are the most unimportant characters in the film. Once the characters are understood, the story is too predictable. There is also an avoidance of actual darkness in this film. Even though the story is dark, the film tries to avoid becoming to violent. This film takes a lot of visual cues from its original animated film. The special effects were great on screen. The background was also impressive to look out. Angelina Jolie played the role of Maleficent. Her presence gave the film its breath of life. Elle Fanning played the role of Aurora. She was good at playing the innocent good hearted character. But, she was unable to stand out from the cast. Sharlto Copley played the role of King Stefan. He was good opposing Jolie on screen. However, more could have done to emphasize this character's emotions. Sam Riley played the role of Diaval. He was great at supporting Jolie on screen.
I give this film 3 out of 5 stars! It is an enjoyable family film to watch, but there was not enough emotional pull for the secondary characters. The story, having great humor, lacked in offering true depth.
Answer to last blog: Actor Daniel Bruhl, Rush, starred in the film Inglorious Basterds.
Que: What year was the animated film Sleeping Beauty released?