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This film is directed by Olivier Megaton. This sequel is highly remnant of the original. It is so remnant of the original that it feels like a highly formulated action film. That doesn't make it bad if you are a fan of the original. This film's story carries similarly, but there is less fear. There is no thrill in this film. It is obvious that Mills can very easy murder any opponent in his path. There is no true failure, so there is no sadness. This film also ends very predictably and cliched. The story can also be judged on its merits of making foreigners appear bad. It can be seen that it plays of general stereotypes of certain peoples. The action if the film is a lot cleaner than the first. There is less torture replaced by fast paced adrenaline. This film was made more for the box office than the first. On a better side, this action film does carry on with great acting that isn't seen in most action films. Liam Neeson returned to his role as Bryan Mills. He was great returning to role of the familiar obsessive father and retired agent. He kept this film alive with moderate emotion. Famke Janssen returned to her role as Lenore. She was good in her limited victim role. The script did not allow for more of a connection to her character. Maggie Grace returned to her role as Kim Mills. She was good in a more open role. She was able to rescue her father. Rade Serbedzija played the role of Murad Krasniqi. He was great as a villain to oppose Nesson's character.
I give this film 3 out of 5 stars! It is a decent action film that follows the first. It's a lot more fast paced action, even if it is predictable.
Answer to last blog: Actress Abigail Breslin, The Call, starred in the film Zombieland.
Que: What role did actress Famke Janssen play in the X-Men series?
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