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This film is based off the DC comics character Batman. This is the final installment of the trilogy. Eight years later, villains begin to return to Gotham city. A young attractive woman, named Selina Kyle, robs Bruce Wayne, Batman, of his pearl necklace. At the same time there is an appearance of a terrorist named Bane. Wayne is forced, by Bane and Kyle, to leave his postion as a board member for his company. He decides to find a new board leader, Miranda. Wayne becomes Batman once more to save Gotham city from its reckoning.
Now, it is unfortunate about the recent shooting in Aurora, Colorado. It's something that should not have happened. My condolences to the families who are suffering through a tough time.
This film was directed by Christopher Nolan. This film isn't a direct sequel after the The Dark Knight. Although, it does share a common story theme, this film takes place eight years later. The film has a quick start with several new and unexplained characters, and it makes the film feel like it has a gap. A big question comes in as to who the female character was that hung around Selina Kyle through most of the film. There was no reason for this character. It is also odd that she acts more like the known comic Catwoman than Kyle. The batman character remains intact, but the major villain characters don't. Nolan went for a softer Selina Kyle which doesn't exist in Catwoman's beginning. Also, Selina Kyle needed to have whip. Even if it was for a few seconds it should have been there. It's her signature weapon! Bane is generally known as a professor, but is not in this film. This a backstory more than anything else. It is unfortunate that these recent villains failed to match up to the previous' film Joker. Apart from changing several of the villains, the story was great. It isn't as dark as it predecessor because it creates the illusion of hope. This gives the film a more startling story. The more realistic approach makes it stand out from the recent Marvel films. Watching Gotham become destroyed is also a major switch for a superhero film. Also, creating a film that establishes a superhero's end is a very bold risk. Much of the story is clearly known by comic fans, but it is not as easily read for fans of the films. It is unfortunate that this story leaves so many loose ends-making it perfect for another sequel. The nuclear weapon used in this fim felt slightly out of place, but it worked for the story. The same goes for the technology that is used in this film. It is used to represent the destruction of the city, but it did not fit with the combat and the backdrop. The combat was great in this film. It made the film feel so personal. A lot of it is also done in quick images allowing for the violence to be implied, but not bloodily shown.

The cast worked great together. They did great in finishing this epic trilogy. Christian Bale returned to his role as Bruce Wayne/Batman. He did great in this role except for his deep Batman voice. He presented a much more conflicted Batman in this film that made audiences want him to prevail. Joseph Gordon-Levitt played the role of John Blake. He was great in his role creating the ideal heroic character. Gary Oldman returned to his role as Commissioner Gordon. He was great in his role. It is a small but highly important role. Tom Hardy played the role of Bane. He was amazing as Bane. He created a character that was so menacing and yet understandable. Anne Hathaway played the role of Selina Kyle/Catwoman (burglar). She was good in her role. She did take Selina Kyle to a very different form. She was much more likable and cute. It just wasn't the Catwoman that is familiar to audiences. Morgan Freeman returned to his as Fox. He was good in his small role. He added another emotional character to the film. Marion Cotillard played the role of Miranda/Thalia. She was good even if she felt forced into the story. Michael Caine also returned to his role of Alfred. He presented a much softer side to Alfred.
I give this film 4 out of 5 stars! It's a great emotional story full of intense action. However, so much of the film felt out of place.
Answer to last blog: Actor David Cross is known for his role as Tobias in Arrested Development. (He did the voice for Minion in Megamind.)
Que: Actors Hugh Jackman and Scarlett Johansson also starred as comic characters for Marvel. Which film did they share the screen with actors Christian Bale and Michael Caine?
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